Cichlid Tankmates

Understanding Monomorphism in Mbuna Cichlids

Monomorphic Mbuna Cichlids:  A Beginner's Ideal Choice Understanding Monomorphism Monomorphism in mbuna cichlids offers a unique advantage for aquarium lovers. In these species, both sexes exhibit equally stunning coloration, allowing you to enjoy a visually consistent display regardless of the gender of your fish. Suggested Species Listed below are some monomorphic mbuna species to consider...


Exploring the Intriguing World of Host-Parasite Dynamics: Synodontis multipunctatus

The fascinating relationship between Synodontis multipunctatus, commonly known as the cuckoo catfish, and its mouthbrooding cichlid hosts in the aquatic ecosystems of Lake Tanganyika presents a unique window into the complex world of host-parasite interactions.

The Cuckoo Catfish: A Clever Parasite

Synodontis multipunctatus, native to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa,...


Top 10 Peacock Cichlid Tank Mates

As they are native to warm African lakes, Peacock Cichlids prefer a warm tank with lots of vegetation and rocks along the bottom. When it comes to setting up a community tank, you need to be intentional about how you pair your Peacock Cichlids, to prevent aggression and territorialism among the...