Labeotropheus Trewavasae ‘Ruarwe’


Embark on a colorful journey with the Labeotropheus Trewavasae (Ruarwe), a striking Mbuna cichlid from Lake Malawi, renowned for its golden forehead and powder blue body, a true spectacle in any aquarium.

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( 1.25" )

Stage 0 - No Color Yet

33 in stock

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Stage 0 - No Color Yet
Juvenile 1.25"
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Introduction to Labeotropheus Trewavasae (Ruarwe Variant)

A Unique Blend of Colors from Lake Malawi


The Labeotropheus Trewavasae, particularly the Ruarwe variant, is an extraordinary Mbuna cichlid from Lake Malawi, known for its stunning dual-toned coloration. Sporting a golden forehead and upper body that transitions to a powder blue, including its fins, this variant is a visual delight for aquarists.

Habitat and Origin

Ruarwe’s Rich Aquatic Landscape:

Originating from the Ruarwe region in Lake Malawi, the Labeotropheus Trewavasae showcases the diverse and vibrant life found in this part of the lake. The specific environmental conditions in Ruarwe have given rise to the unique coloration of this variant.

Physical Description and Characteristics

Vibrant and Changing Hues:

The Ruarwe variant is known for its striking color transition from a golden hue on the top to a powder blue on the lower half of its body and fins. During maturation, the blue deepens into an almost violet shade before settling back into its signature powder blue. Juveniles display less color, gradually developing their full vibrancy as they mature.

Feeding Habits of Labeotropheus Trewavasae (Ruarwe)

Adapted for Algae Grazing

Herbivorous Diet:

In its natural environment, the Labeotropheus Trewavasae (Ruarwe) primarily feeds on algae tightly bound to substrates. This strict herbivore grazes on sediment-free aufwuchs and is known to leave scrape marks in the biocover, showcasing its unique feeding technique.

Breeding and Reproduction

Rituals of a Rock-Dwelling Mbuna

Territorial Spawning:

The Labeotropheus Trewavasae males establish territories for spawning, usually within caves in rocky habitats. These territories are fiercely defended against intruders. The males display vibrant colors and behaviors to attract females for breeding.

Maternal Mouthbrooding:

Following mating, females exhibit the typical Mbuna trait of maternal mouthbrooding. They carry the fertilized eggs and fry in their mouths, providing protection until they are ready to be independent. This behavior ensures a higher survival rate for the offspring in their natural habitat.

Aquarium Care for Labeotropheus Trewavasae (Ruarwe)

Simulating the Ruarwe Environment

Aquarium Setup:

To mimic the natural rocky environment of Ruarwe, the aquarium should have numerous caves and hiding spots. A tank length of at least 150 cm is recommended, with a focus on providing ample shelter.

Diet and Water Conditions:

Labeotropheus Trewavasae thrive in water with a pH between 7.0 and 8.5 and temperatures of 23-28°C. Their diet should primarily consist of vegetable matter, with a focus on algae-based foods to reflect their natural feeding habits.

The Biodiversity of Ruarwe, Lake Malawi

Sharing the Habitat

Diverse Aquatic Neighbors:

The Ruarwe region, home to the Labeotropheus Trewavasae, also hosts a variety of other cichlid species, including:

  1. Aulonocara sp. ‘chitande type north’
  2. Chindongo sp. ‘elongatus ruarwe’
  3. Ctenopharynx nitidus
  4. Metriaclima callainos
  5. Metriaclima fainzilberi
  6. Metriaclima sp. ‘zebra gold’
  7. Petrotilapia microgalana
  8. Pseudotropheus lucerna
  9. Pseudotropheus perspicax
  10. Rhamphochromis woodi
  11. Tropheops sp. ‘weed’
  12. Tyrannochromis nigriventer

These species highlight the rich biodiversity of the Ruarwe area and the ecological significance of Lake Malawi.

General Information & Care

Additional Information & Care

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