Rummynose Tetra


The Rummy Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus rhodostomus) is a small, striking freshwater fish renowned for its vibrant red head and tightly schooling behavior, making it a favorite among aquarists worldwide.

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( 1.5" )

Premium Unsexed
Stage 2 - Nice Transitional Color

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Stage 2 - Nice Transitional Color
Premium Unsexed 1.5"
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The Rummynose Tetra, scientifically known as Hemigrammus rhodostomus, is a standout among tetra species, favored for its striking red face and silvery body. This species adds a dynamic flair to peaceful community aquariums with its amiable nature.

Discover everything you need to know about caring for Rummynose Tetras in your aquarium!

  • Common Name: Rummynose Tetra
  • Scientific Name: Hemigrammus rhodostomus
  • Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons (preferably long)
  • Ideal Group Size: Minimum of 8
  • Temperature Range: 75-80 °F
  • pH Range: 5.5-7.0
  • Care Level: Easy

The Rummynose Tetra, a small, schooling fish, typically grows up to 2 inches. It’s celebrated for its vivid red face contrasting with a silvery body. Originating from the Amazon basin’s blackwater rivers, these waters are dark due to tannins from decaying matter, which also create soft, acidic conditions.

While the Rummynose Tetra is a popular choice, similar species like Hemigrammus bleheri and Petitella georgiae (the false rummy nose) are often confused with it. However, care and behavior among these species are largely similar.

Aquarium Setup for Rummynose Tetras Mimicking the natural habitat of Rummynose Tetras ensures their well-being. These fish thrive in biotope tanks resembling their blackwater origins but adapt well to heavily planted clearwater setups. Enhance your tank with leaf litter, including Indian almond leaves, fine branches, driftwood, and other aquarium-safe materials. Floating plants or low-light species like Anubias are great for dimly lit setups.

Remember, Rummynose Tetras are schooling fish, and larger groups (20 or more) make a spectacular display. They coexist well with larger Amazonian cichlids and other peaceful species.

Caring for Rummynose Tetras Known as the “canaries” of the aquarium world, Rummynose Tetras are sensitive to water quality changes. A pale-faced school can indicate poor water conditions, necessitating close monitoring of water values. Maintain a fully cycled aquarium with zero ammonia or nitrites and perform regular water changes. Their diet should consist of small staple tropical fish food, supplemented occasionally with frozen or live foods.

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