Dwarf Neon Gourami


Elevate your aquarium with the Dwarf Neon Gourami, known for its vibrant turquoise stripes and peaceful nature. Perfect for well-planted community tanks.

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( 2" )

Premium Females
Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color

15 in stock

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( 2" )

Premium Males
Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color

15 in stock

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Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color
Premium Females 2"
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Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color
Premium Males 2"
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Introducing the Dwarf Neon Gourami Step into the serene world of the Dwarf Neon Gourami, a striking fish that brings a splash of color and tranquility to any freshwater aquarium. With a compressed, oval-shaped body and large, rounded fins, this species stands out in both appearance and behavior. The males are particularly eye-catching with vivid turquoise vertical stripes and elongated fins, while females display a more subdued color palette.

Natural Habitat and Tank Requirements Originating from the slow-moving rivers and streams of South Asia, Dwarf Neon Gouramis flourish in environments that mimic these conditions. They thrive in well-planted aquariums of at least 10 gallons with stable water parameters—temperatures of 72 to 82°F, pH levels of 6.0 to 8.0, and water hardness between 5 to 18 dGH. Maintaining clean and stable water conditions is vital, as Dwarf Neon Gouramis are sensitive to changes and poor quality water.

Diet and Feeding Regimen As omnivores, Dwarf Neon Gouramis require a balanced diet of plant and animal-based foods. High-quality flakes or pellets should be complemented with frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. Feeding them small amounts two to three times a day will mimic their natural feeding habits and help maintain their health and coloration.

Behavior and Community Compatibility These peaceful gouramis are ideal for community tanks, coexisting well with other non-aggressive species like tetras, rasboras, and small bottom-dwellers such as corydoras or loaches. Avoid pairing them with overly aggressive or active fish to prevent stress. For a complete list of compatible items located on our website, please click the link to our Community Fish Large-Medium.

Breeding Insights Breeding Dwarf Neon Gouramis is feasible under the right conditions. Males build bubble nests for spawning, and it’s advisable to remove the female post-spawning to prevent aggression from the male while he guards the eggs. The fry should be fed with infusoria or finely crushed flakes to ensure proper growth.

Health and Disease Prevention While generally robust, Dwarf Neon Gouramis can be susceptible to common fish diseases, including the Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus. Optimal tank management and water quality are essential for preventing health issues.

Why Choose Dwarf Neon Gouramis? Dwarf Neon Gouramis are not only beautiful but also beneficial for maintaining a balanced aquarium ecosystem. Buy Dwarf Neon Gourami online from our store and witness the peaceful beauty they bring to your aquatic setup.

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