Bolivian Ram Cichlid


Mikrogeophagus altispinosus

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5% Discount Applied 3 - 5
10% Discount Applied 6 - 11
15% Discount Applied 12 +
Size Color Stock Price

( 2" )

Premium Unsexed
Stage 2 - Nice Transitional Color

25 in stock

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Stage 2 - Nice Transitional Color
Premium Unsexed 2"
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The Mikrogeophagus altispinosus, Bolivian Butterfly or Bolivian Ram cichlid is a dwarf cichlid that lives in fresh waters of Brazil, Bolivia and in the Amazon River basin. They grow to be about 3 inches and are very popular among aquarium owners. Bolivian Rams can adapt to a wider range of water chemistries and are fairly mild mannered, which makes them a suitable choice for some community aquariums. We suggest keeping your Bolivian Rams with other dwarf cichlids like German Blue Rams, Apistogramma cacatuoides or Apistogramma borelli.

To keep your Bolivian ram cichlid healthy and displaying their best colors, you should feed them a variety of live, frozen and commercial flake foods. We recommend either our plankton gold flakes or

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