
Xenotilapia (Enantiopus)

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The bright yellow chin and throat along with the overbite is what distinguishes this beautiful sand dweller from its cousin the Melanogenys. Considered the prize of any fish room if you have the patience to grow this guy to its full 5″ adult size you will not be disappointed. This species will put on a fireworks display of color as it builds a shallow saucer shaped bowl in the sand to breed. Although it will sure act like it is capable of inflicting real harm to those that get in its way the Kelisa from our observations is all talk. No actual harming of other fish takes place as it defends its nest. For food the only flake I would try is plankton gold flake … other than that frozen brine shrimp will need to become a staple. Please check out this video we found of kelisa doing its thing.

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