Apricot Lobster

Cherax holthuisi, commonly known as Apricot crayfish or Orange crayfish, is a colorful and highly sought-after crayfish in the freshwater aquarium hobby owing to its distinct appearance, bright pigmentation, and ease of care. Another great thing about this species is that these crayfish are relatively peaceful and easy to breed in freshwater tanks, making them a great choice even for beginner aquarists. So, if you are looking for something unique to add to your aquarium then the Cherax holthuisi can be an interesting choice for you.


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The Cherax holthuisi, commonly known as the Orange Crayfish, is a unique species native to West Papua, Indonesia. It’s specifically found in Aitinjo Lake, situated on the Bird’s Head Peninsula in New Guinea. This lake, encased by steep mountains, is relatively compact, measuring about 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) long and 1,150 feet (350 meters) wide. The Orange Crayfish typically prefers underground habitats.

It’s relatively small, growing only up to 3.2–3.7 inches (8 – 10 cm) in length. There is no specific data for their longevity in the wild, but in captivity, they can live up to 5 – 7 years with proper care. These crayfish are relatively peaceful and can be kept in community tanks, although caution is advised as they are still capable of aggression, particularly among males. They exhibit nocturnal behavior and are moderately active burrowers.

Their diet is omnivorous, including a mix of plant and meat-based foods. Providing a variety of foods like blanched vegetables, fruits, worms, snails, and specialized invertebrate feeds is crucial for their health. Supplementing their diet with calcium-rich foods like eggshells or cuttlebone is also important for their exoskeleton development.

When it comes to housing Cherax holthuisi, a minimum of a 10-gallon tank for a single specimen is recommended, with larger tanks being more beneficial. These crayfish require stable water parameters with temperatures between 71 – 75 °F (22 – 24 °C), pH levels of 7.0 – 8.0, and optimal KH and GH levels. Regular water changes and a well-functioning filtration system are essential.

The tank should have a secure lid, as crayfish are known escape artists. The substrate should be suitable for burrowing, and the tank should include hiding spots like rocks, wood, or PVC pipes.

During their molt cycle, crayfish should not be disturbed, and their old exoskeleton should be left in the tank as it provides essential minerals. Sexing Cherax holthuisi involves observing claw size and body shape differences between males and females.

Breeding them requires careful planning, including a balanced sex ratio, abundant food, and numerous hiding places, especially for juveniles. While they can coexist with certain tank mates, care must be taken to avoid aggressive or slow-moving fish, other crayfish species, and ornamental snails.

In conclusion, while Cherax holthuisi is a fascinating species for an aquarium, its status as a threatened species necessitates responsible and informed care to replicate its natural habitat and meet its needs adequately.

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